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The Smartest Kids Go Here

Macomb County’s Top Public Schools by SAT Scores

One of the top questions you may be asking yourself before deciding to make a move is, “How are the schools?” It’s not as easy as a simple Google search, and most of the schooling information is behind marketing websites, different paid-for platforms, and subscription-based stuff that you had to sign up for to get the information. Even reaching out to previous teachers and people in the district- they didn’t even know where to find information based on testing scores across the entire district. So, I’ve taken the time to find that information for you.

Macomb County’s is made up of 22 different school districts. There’s a wide range of testing scores and metrics that are used to measure a school district’s performance. Today’s list of the Top 8 School Districts in Macomb County is weighed heavily upon SAT scores. A child’s SAT score is one the most important standardized way’s to measures a child’s preparedness for college. These are averages across each school district in Macomb County. Some of the school districts have five high schools; others have one, so, this can kind of skew the numbers.

#8: Fraser School District
· District Size: Just over 4,700 students
· Student to Teacher Ratio: 22 to 1
· SAT Score Average: 945

# 7: L’Anse Creuse Public Schools
· District Size: Just under 10,000 students
· Student to Teacher Ratio: 24 to 1
· SAT Score Average: 952

#6 : Romeo School District
· District Size: Just under 5,000 students
· Student to Teacher Ratio: 20 to 1
· SAT Score Average: 980

#5: Lake View School District (St. Clair Shores)
· District Size: Just over 4,200 students
· Student to Teacher Ratio: 22 to 1
· SAT Score Average: 981

#4: Armada School District
· District Size: Just over 1,700 students
· Student to Teacher Ratio: 22 to 1
· SAT Score Average: 982.6

#3: Chippewa Valley School District
· District Size: 14,857 students
· Student to Teacher Ratio: 23 to 1
· SAT Score Average: 985

#2: Anchor Bay School District
· District Size: 5,387 students
· Student to Teacher Ratio: 23 to 1
· SAT Score Average: 989

#1: Utica School District (5 Different High Schools)
· District Size: 25,571 students, making it the largest school district in Macomb County
· Student to Teacher Ratio: 22 to 1
· SAT Score: 996

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