KW Platinum - Knybel Real Estate Network
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Profilul Companiei

In the world of real estate, the industry has been defined by following principles founded in the 1980's and the industry is just beginning to evolve. Most of the advertising mediums that have been used were newspaper, open houses, and billboards. Honestly, nobody even looks at these anymore. After graduating college in 2013 with a degree in marketing, real estate peaked my interest due to the economic change that took place and the archaic philosophy behind selling real estate rooted in every industry leading company that still exists today. The industry did not have a lack of funds to invest in marketing, it lacked the know how to evolve in our technology avoiding industry. By 2017 we created a team that generated 125 units sold in a single year and continued that success in 2018 and 2019. After restructuring our business arrangement in 2020, we were able to become a more customer centric business, focused on customer service and world class market tactics. We are a results-based team focused on enhancing the experience and profitability to both sellers and buyers. The focus is on marketing seller's properties with modern marketing tactics to achieve the best economic and situational result for them. Also, spending time to educate buyers and consistently helping them find off market properties again using modern marketing tactics is our focus. If you have real estate plans or need to talk about making some over a cup of coffee. We are only a phone call away. We look forward to showing you what results realtors who actually spend money on marketing can bring to you. Let's chat soon!
Our Network of Trusted Partners
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My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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